Sunday, June 19, 2005

Dr Who vs Iraq invasion

Hi folks, the last few times I tried to update my 'blog the computer was having a bad day

ABC TV here in Australia just screened the 5th ep in the new DR WHO tv series.

Scripted and filmed in 2004, last night's ep had several excellent barbs aimed at the UK Government's policy of lying to it's citizens to justify the invasion of Iraq and the theft of their oilwells by US vice-prisent's company Halliburton

In the Dr Who story, an alien impersonating the British Prime Minister claimed on tv broadcasts that there were "MASSIVE WEAPONS OF DESTRUCTION" aimed at England, clearly a play on the fabled "weapons of mass destruction" that Iraq supposedly had>

It was also said that those weapons could be depoyed in 45 seconds, clearly a stab at the "deployable with 45 minutes" which highly paid UK politicians and senior civil servants claimed at the time.

I didn't notice any direct reference to that scientist, sorry I dunno his name, but he was warning that the govt was peddling lies, then just before the truth came out publically, he turns up dead "an apparent suicide" yeah maybe, or maybe he was killed off by a special govt "black ops" hit squad assassination team !

That's all for now, we'll see if the blog works right this time eh.


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