Thursday, June 02, 2005

BUNYA Pines further info, Thurs 2 June 2005

Note that when I bought my seeds in from EDEN some years ago I bought in the minimum order which for Bunya nuts was something like 300 grams (2/3 pound)

This came to just over 30 seeds of which I picked the smallest to eat. Yep, a tree-nut much like any other, eg almonds and pecans.

I gave away several to neighbours to try to sprout.

Note that of those I planted somewhere in excess of 90 % did eventually sprout and although 1 or 2 later died this was due to reasons of fault on my side.

Therefore other folks trying with this seed should expect results of the same or better. One near-neighbour, of 4 seeds planted into large pots, all 4 sprouted and developed into healthy plants

Note that mine were not planted in nice premium grade potting mix etc, it was just pots full of old dirt scraped up from around the backyard area surrounding my house.

Although they are still mostly in the same pots, some I'd guess 5 or 6 years later, they have all grown well, many a metre tall already. Occasionally they get some home-made "liquid-gold-organic-fertiliser" dilute solution with their watering.

If they'd been planted into good soil in a good gardening area I'm sure that they would have "grown like stink" and by now have been very much bigger


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