Saturday, November 26, 2005

Fandomedia, comments from Ju (convener) and Chuck McKenzie (Guest of Honour)

This first comments are from Ju and the 2nd comment from Chuck are lifted in toto from a webpage. Here for your convenience so you don't gotta go lookin' for 'em !

Note that the url weblinks within this posting will probably not work, you'll have to seek out the original webpage (which is linked to in my previous 'blog entry anyway) and then click on them from there directly.

FROM JU.....

It happened.... Fandomedia 2005 was a success... measures of success for me were, less about break even and more about new people turning up to the convention for the first time ever. People whom usually avoid conventions turning up and telling me how much they enjoyed themselves, how much they laughed. Having the venue staff join in the games after finishing work. Having the venue staff give me a -really- late check out because i hadn't had much sleep all weekend. Having the -entire- con attendees for Sunday singing happy birthday to me *cries*

I'm all a bit emotional.... 12 months of my hope and determination went into Fandomedia 2005. Time spent hoping I could achieve what i set out to do. Time spent working towards it all coming together as I'd planned.

Truth be told... it really did... but the atmosphere was beyond anything i'd hoped for, truly amazing. I laughed till i cried so many times it wasn't funny - my guests ROCKED!!! i LOVE you all so much!!! Thank you to various partner people whom let me borrow their beloved's for a weekend :)

Fandomedia 2005: Comedy, was spent in laughter... 65 people became members and the convention made a small surplus. Fandomedia 2006: Hunger was launched and well received!! For those whom are interested I am keeping hold of the promotional membership price until November 30 2005, you'll need to tell me the quote on your badge as the price is only open to con-goer's from this year :)

So now after months of enforced silence (which has been KILLING me.....) I can now announce:

Fandomedia 2006: Hunger
"Starving for morsels of media, what do you crave?"
Guest of Honour: Marianne De Pierres (author of the Parrish Plessis series set in post apocolyptic australia - check out the first book Nylon Angel at planetfantastic
Local Guest of Honour: Lyn Battersby (winner of Tin Duck for "Memory of Breathing" and editor of ASIM Issue 11)
Fan Guest of Honour: Elaine Kemp (long standing member of the fan community, convenor of Swancon 30, nanowrimo-maniac, art show coordinator... the list truly does go on)

My darling f-list, I'm not kidding nor exaggerating when i tell you: I HAVE THE PERFECT GUESTS for HUNGER.

I have so much more to say... but initially there's not much more to tell.

Many thanks first and foremost to kae_dash my beloved whom supported me all the way through...

To utopos and akire_yta for taking the dirty work off my hands and just... making things happen :) Like media, quotes and lunch :)

To maharetr, ascetic_hedony and buoy_wonder for salving my sanity throughout the weekend, plying me with cuddles, alcohol or space any time i needed it...

To my guests for being amazing!

To _fustian and strangedave for wrangling and pushing the line for me... making my voice be heard.

To [info]dalek_boy, the_angriest, Simon O., cheshirenoir, generalissimo_k, illiadic for letting me bounce ideas, possibilities and suggestions to you so much.

More about what the con was like for me, and what I got up to, next post...

Mmmmmmful dreams...

FROM CHUCK ... ... ... ... .... ... ... ...

Dear Ju,

May I take this opportunity to rave (once again) about Fandomedia 2005? May I?

I just wanted to let you know that I had absolutely *the* best time, and would go so far as to say it may well be the best-run convention - and certainly the most enjoyable - I've *ever* been to. From the moment I arrived in Perth, I was treated like one of the family by everyone I met. Nothing was a hassle, nothing was a fuss, and - it seemed - nothing was too good for the Guest of Honour! You and your extended band of faithful minions made my stay absolutely perfect, and I thank you and them sincerely for your warmth and generosity.

The atmosphere at the con itself was fantastic - everyone bright and happy, with attendees entertained as much by the programming as by the rabble-rousing in the hotel bar afterwards - and I lay the blame for this fully at your feet; where many con organisers play the role of Timekeeper or Adminstrator, you were very much the Host, mingling with the crowd in order to ensure that everyone - guests and attendees alike - were happy and comfortable at all times. It's a role you play perfectly, and it really 'made' the con.

Only after the convention had drawn to a close was I made aware that - despite things having appeared to flow without a single hitch -there were in fact some problems occurring behind the scenes. However, again like a good Host, you were obviously able to deal with these issues professionally, without bringing them to the notice of the con crowd, and thus not negatively affecting the atmosphere.

Honestly, I would happily go on in a similar vein for many, many pages, but for the fact that it might begin to sound as though I'm laying it on with a trowel. Therefore, I'll conclude now with the greatest single compliment I feel I can give you and Fandomedia - that in attending, I met new friends (including yourself) whom I hope to keep for the rest of my life, and that I will definitely be doing my damndest to make it back to Perth again - budget permitting! - to see them all again, con or no con.

Once again, thank you so, so much for having me, and I can't wait to see you all again. I can't imagine how you could possibly make Fandomedia 2006 any better than F05 - but knowing you, you will!

Love, hugs and kisses,
Chuck McKenzie

Visit The Official Chuck McKenzie Infosite at for all the Chuck-related news that's fit to print (and quite a bit that isn't). The Official Chuck McKenzie Infosite: the only infosite maintained entirely by NASA-trained chimps.


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