Tuesday, November 01, 2005

AIRLINES COMPLICIT in the tragedies of Sept 11 2001 ?

Sunday evening on Australia-wide on Channel 7 network in city areas and Prime-GWN in country areas, was the new docu-drama......
(United Airlines Flight 93, Sept 11 2001)

Now firstly I must start off by declaring I have nothing but admiration for those passengers on board who tried so valiantly to take back control of this airliner. Even though their efforts ultimately failed, costing the lives of all on board, they prevented their aeroplane from being used as a deadly missile. Remember that in the hijack attacks of Sept 11, the number of people killed on the aeroplanes was "comparitively" small. The biggest loss of life was caused by the impacts, fires and collapse of the buildings concerned. The loss of the 45 or so aboard Flight 93 that day is tragic, yes, but their actions likely saved the lives of hundreds of others. We can only guess at what exists such as "Heaven", "God" and "the HereAfter", (as these things are a matter of indiviidual faith for us all) but I surely hope that God has a special place in Heaven for the passengers on board (and a special place in Hell, for the Hijackers).

The program, made just earlier this year, was surprisingly engrossing. A sorta docu-drama it included actual sound recordings from the mobile phonecalls made from the plane, plus reconstructions of what is thought to have happened, using actors, obviously. It was a bit like watching an episode of the hit tv series "24" as it had some narration by Keifer Sutherland aka "jack baeur" (golly how he had time to do this as well, I'll never know, I mean there's only 24 hours in a day, eh ! )

There was comment and recollection from relatives of the passengers, and some technical info provided by qualified pilots etc.

However after having seen this program, there are some BIG questions that need to be answered........and currently no-one on Earth seems even to be asking the right questions, so here I'll stick my neck out and do it.

Now flight 93's take-off was delayed by some 40 minutes due to heavy aircraft traffic ahead of it, so this aircraft could not be hijacked nearly simultaneously with the other 3 planes that were hijacked that day.

It is now known for an absolute fact that before Flight 93 was hijacked, Airline control had sent a text message to the pilots computerised communication system, and the text message HAD been recieved and read by the pilots on board.

From my memory, The message read something like this ...

"Beware of Cockpit intrusion, 2 hijacked aircraft have just been crashed into NYC World Trade Center buildings"

Only AFTER the pilot had recieved this text messag, and responded back to the airline's command, was the cockpit door volunteerily opened from the inside and the hijackers given control of the plane.


Now we know that the hijackers promptly knifed someone to death, perhaps they stood outside the cockpit door and threatened to knife someone if the captain didn't open up.

But for frell sake, after having been warned that IF HIJACKERS ENTER YOUR COCKPIT, THEY WILL TAKE CONTROL AND CRASH THE PLANE INTO A BUILDING KILLING ***ALL*** ON BOARD, why oh why oh why would you volunteerily allow them in.?

We know from when the passengers did finally storm the cockpit, that it took the efforts of several big burly men, pushing the food-cart as a battering-ram, many many attempts to bash the door in.

The lives of all on board could have been safe if, when confronted by hijackers demanding entry to the cockpit, The Captain had simply announced to ALL onboard over the public speaker system

"would the attempted hijackers currently hammering on the cockpit door with their bare fists please lay down their knives and return to their seats to await arrest by cops when we land, and would several big burly guys come forward from Coach section, including the Federal agent on board, the Judo champion, and the ex-police officer please stand gaurd over them, and if necessary, encourage them to co-operate.....the use of Deadly Force is authorised by me, if they give you a speck of trouble or do not comply immediately, we will be landing in a few minutes at the nearest airport where a full contingent of armed police will meet the plane.."

and further "the pilot and co-pilot wish to express their regret for the person already knifed to death lying in the aisle, but we'll be FRELLED up the RING-GEAR with a Broomstick Sideways, if we're going to open this cockpit door for any reason on Earth at any time before we land, and give these Hijackers our aeroplane, KNOWING FULL WELL that they're going to fly it at full speed into a building killing everyone on board and many more besides"

The program did say that the cockpit voice recording WAS NOT being made public because it was the subject of ongoing legal action. (Although it had been played in private to families of the passengers, who gave the reconstruction their recollections of it). You gotta wonder if someone is going to hold the airline to account for the actions of the pilot and co-pilot on board that day. Note that the program did say, that the believed that both the pilot and copilot had been killed almost immediately that the hijackers had entered the cockpit

Sept 11 was a terrible tragedy on so many levels, but Flight 93, even moreso, because it seems that this aircraft was volunterily and willingly given over to the hijackers without a fight, even AFTER the aircrew had been told what the Hijackers would do with it !

Once again, to those passengers on board who refused to stay seated as told to by the Hijackers, and who refused to comply with Hijacker's demands, like a bunch of woosy six year old girls, as official airline policy dictates......I salute you. You *almost* UN-Hijacked your plane successfully, and for that attempt, you are to be commended most highly.

Actually as an aside, you know all this extra airline security nowadays is pretty un-necessary, and there's no good reason why passengers shouldn't be allowed to carry small knives manicure scissors and nailfiles etc onto planes like the used to be able to, prior to Sept 11. As I see it, every aeroplane now comes already equipped with a full complement (of 50 or 100 or 300 whatever) of "volunter, will-fight-to-the-death Citizenry-Air-Marshalls". Anyone trying to hijack a plane nowadays is going to have to get through near every single one passenger first.

THIS UPDATE ADDED Monday 5 Dec 2005. It's recently been announced that soon US airport security screeners **WILL** be commencing to re-allow the carrying onto planes of nailfiles, small scissors etc. Yep, yet again, the Government and powers-that-be etc have admitted that I, good ol' Catherine, was 100 % correct in the first place ! It's good to know that the new US's, unlimitedly cashed up mega-beauracracy "The Department Of Homeland Security" (sic) have seen the error of their ways and is now supporting my 'Blog (in this particular area at least, if nothing else !)

Note that it's recently come to light that it was actually a direct result of the formation of The Dept Of Homeland Security, that caused the previously excellent FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Authority) to be downgraded and basically "gutted". .....and it was directly because FEMA had been so thoroughly gutted, that it's resposnce to the hurricane Katrina in New Orleans was so poor. Independant commentators have warned that, Changes announced recently, intended to improve FEMA, will actually make the situation very much worse !


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